


Shaan Khattau is a holistic psychotherapist for whom working with the human being as a whole – mind body and spirit is her calling. She began her journey at the age of 8. Osho was her first inspiration. At about the same age she stumbled on Eric Berne’s ‘Games people Play’ and could not understand her fascination for a book she could barely comprehend. Unknown to her the seed had been planted. Today Berne’s theories form the basis of much of her own work. 

She began her educational and professional journey as an artist and filmmaker but simultaneously pursued her immense passion and hunger to understand her self. Being a keen observer of life, even within her work as a filmmaker, her primary interest was and remains a fascination with the human condition. Over the years as she continued her intensive self search it grew naturally into a full fledged career as a therapist and it became clear that this was her path.

For the past 20 years, Shaan has studied many disciplines, which she now integrates in her practice – western psychotherapy, metaphysics, psychological astrology, dreamwork, shamanism and eastern energy healing modalities. She has also worked with the Maori healers of New Zealand.

Within the psychological framework she merges the analytic therapy of Freud and Jung along with Transactional Analysis (TA) and Gestalt creating her own unique style, operating from a place of deep intuition. Within the first session she gets to the heart of you and from thereon it’s a deep unfolding of your truth – making way for you to return to yourself – more complete. 

Shaan has a flair connecting with people and she can relate instantly and work with any person from any background. Her client base incorporates equal number of people locally and internationally. She works with individuals, couples, children and groups conducting workshops on self-awareness both in India and abroad. 

Within each space, her desire is for each one to move beyond the conditioned self into greater authenticity, returning to our original blueprint of emotional health and freedom.

Her creative, metaphysical and psychological passion has helped shape her current practice as a therapist infusing her private sessions and workshops with intensity, creativity and adventure !